Dear Family and Friends,
I have finished another
transfer in the mission field, I can honestly say I feel like I just got
here. I am staying in Pleasant View with my companion Sister Gardner.
Sister Nuon is going Long Beach where she can speak Cambodian. It has
been so fun serving around her. I am excited for a new adventure to
here in Huntington Beach. My companions and I had a baptism occur this
week. It was so amazing to see his life change as he worked to ward his
baptism and then to enter into the waters of baptism and follow the
example that our Savior Jesus Christ did. I love being a missionary and
watching the spirit change peoples lives. It is so amazing. I know that
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that he will be there to help us
when we need Him. I know that it is through the Atonement of Jesus
Christ that we can be cleansed from our sins and that we can return to
our Heavenly Father again. I know that the Holy Ghost is there to
comfort and to guide us. Love you all.
Sister McGarry III
The baptism on Saturday